About Us


in 2010, long before anyone had uttered the words "influencer marketing", we set up a word-of-mouth marketing agency sending everything from Taylor Swift perfume to Dyson vacuums into tens of thousands of homes across the world. It's all about generating authentic word-of-mouth recommendations about those products from inside perfectly selected households, like yours. After all, nothing is more powerful than a recommendation between friends who actually know and trust each other. You are the real influencer.

Our campaigns also create loads of wonderful photos and videos on social media, honest product reviews and give you the chance to tell brands what you really think about their products in our campaign feedback surveys. We operate across all sectors and in most countries.

If you'd like to take part in our campaigns and get your hands on amazing and exclusive products all you need to do is:

1. Register for a Come Round account

2. Check out the What's On page

3. Apply for campaigns that are live!

If you're picked, we'll send you a wonderful pack full of everything you need free of charge to your door.

You could even win amazing prizes just by talking about your campaign and taking photos and videos.

Come Round campaigns happen across the whole country, sometimes even multiple countries - hundreds of them. Come Round gets the world talking.